Lakewood Communications
XWALLFilter for Microsoft Exchange 2013
Installation Guide and Release Notes

Version 5.1.1178.973
Copyright © 2019 Lakewood Communications
Last modified: February 5, 2019

Please read this document for installation and release information about Lakewood Communication’s XWALLFilter for Microsoft Exchange 2013. This document discusses the following topics:


System Requirements





Change Log

Feedback and Support



XWALLFilter is an add-on product for DataEnter's XWall (edge e-mail firewall and antispam solution). XWALLFilter enhances XWall's capabilities in sites which run Microsoft Exchange Server. XWALLFilter provides XWall with native, server based support for the Microsoft Exchange Antispam API and Junk E-Mail folder.

XWALLFilter examines all anonymous SMTP email entering your Exchange server from XWall. If one of the various XWall firewall filters (subject, text, html, spf, bayes, heuristic, image, etc) has been triggered and the XWall option "Mark subject and move to Junk E-Mail folder" has been selected, XWALLFilter routes the message to each mailboxes "Junk E-mail" folder automatically. This allows the network manager to configure one or all of the XWall filters as "Mark subject and move to Junk E-Mail folder" and let each user have final control over what is and what is not considered SPAM.

XWALLFilter pays attention to the Exchange per-mailbox SAFE SENDERS and SAFE RECIPIENTS list (Can be accessed in either the full Outlook client under Tools->Options->Junk Email or in Outlook Web App under Options->Block or Allow). Any incoming email from addresses on the mailbox SAFE SENDERS list (or mailbox CONTACTS folder) is always placed in the INBOX and never placed in the user's JUNK E-MAIL folder. If the user finds good email in the JUNK E-MAIL folder, he or she can simply right click on the email in Outlook and select "Junk E-mail->Mark as NOT Junk" to have the address added to the mailbox SAFE SENDERS list and move the message back to Inbox in one simple operation.

XWALLFilter does not require users have the latest version of Outlook installed and may be used with any e-mail client since it runs upstream of clients on the Exchange server. If desired, users can simply use Outlook Web App without any e-mail client installed on the desktop.


System Requirements

The following are the system requirements for XWALLFilter for Exchange 2013:

1.   DataEnter XWall 3.53+

2.   25MB (megabytes) of hard disk space

3.   Both Local Administrator and Exchange Organization Administrator Rights

4.   Exchange 2013 with Mailbox role installed

5.   Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1

6.     In a multiple Exchange server environment, XWALLFilter ISP/Multi-Server Edition is required and should be installed on all Exchange 2013 Servers with the mailbox role.

Installation Part-1 (Install XWALLFilter)

Note: This procedure should be completed on your server running Microsoft Exchange. In sites with a SINGLE Exchange Server, XWall and XWALLFilter may be run on the same server if desired.

1.   Run the XWALLFilter installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: Previous versions of XWALLFilter are automatically upgraded. No server re-start is required for installation however some Exchange configurations may require that the Exchange Information Store service be re-started before XWALLFilter will function properly. If a service re-start is needed, you will be notified by the installer and you can perform this manually when appropriate for your site.

Installation Part-2 (License XWALLFilter)

Note: This procedure should be completed on the server running XWall. Running XWall and XWALLFilter on the same server is supported only in single Exchange Server environments.

Note: For XWALLFilter ISP/Multi-Server Edition please ignore this section and follow the instructions for license installation sent with your ISP/Multi-Server edition license and skip to Installation Part-3 below.

1.   Verify XWall is version 3.53 or above by running the XWall administration utility (mbadmin.exe) and clicking HELP->ABOUT. If you are running an older version, please upgrade before continuing by downloading XWall from DataEnter ( and running the installer. During an upgrade, all XWall settings are preserved.

2.   Enter the XWall Admin utility. Select View-> XWALLFilter Exchange Junk E-Mail Folder Add-On and select "Exchange with XWALLFilter installed". If you’re running a 30-day trial of XWall, XWALLFilter is automatically licensed in full function mode during XWall’s trial period and you may skip to Installation Part-3. If you’re running a licensed copy of XWall and have not yet purchased a license for XWALLFilter or desire a fully functional 30-day trial, click the PURCHASE link.

3.   Enter the XWall Admin utility, Select Help->Licenses->XWALLFilter. If you already have an XWALLFilter license key (string beginning with ‘D’ and ending with ‘W’, example: “Duj+0YBiANp/oOVrUWERBEhK0iEsiPsgJBUOsGgapKAHnHtPhuUAxNwfdW”), paste it into the field LICENSE. If you have an XWALLFilter serial number (string with dashes, example: “F0D2F21E-CCB0-11D0-A316-00AA00688B10”, click the ACTIVATE link on the bottom right. The activation web site will issue you a license key to paste into the field LICENSE.

Note 1: During activation, be sure to select “XWALLFilter for Exchange 2013” in the field PRODUCT.

Note 2: Your XWALLFilter Serial Number and License Key are valuable and should be kept in a safe place for disaster recovery, maintenance renewals and product upgrades. Public disclosure or use on more servers than purchased will cause your license to be automatically disabled.

4.   Also in the XWall Admin utility under Help->Licenses->XWALLFilter, verify that a VALID email address is entered under the field “LICENSE E-MAIL” and then click OK. The e-mail address entered must be valid e-mail address for the Exchange Server on which XWALLFilter is running.

5.   XWall should automatically restart in a minute or two and you should see an entry in the application event log on the Exchange server on which XWALLFilter is installed confirming your license has been enabled. A properly licensed installation will show an event = 15, “XWALLFilter has been enabled”.

Installation Part-3 (Configure XWall)

Note: This procedure should be completed on the server running XWall. Running XWall and XWALLFilter on the same server is supported only in single Exchange Server environments.

1.   Enter the XWall Admin utility and configure the filter action to "Mark subject and move to Junk E-Mail folder" for those XWall filters (subject, text, html, spf, bayes, heuristic, etc) you wish XWALLFilter to take action on.

2.   If you don't want the subject line of filtered emails to be marked by XWall, simply set the subject marking strings to null in the XWall Admin utility under "View->Advanced Configuration->Mark Subject - 1/2".


How to Uninstall XWALLFilter

1.   VERY IMPORTANT: Close any open MMC consoles and server/performance monitoring applications.

2.    Run the XWALLFilter uninstall from the XWALLFilter program group or from Control Panel->Add/Remove programs (Windows 2003 Server) or Control Panel->Programs and Features (Windows 2008 R2 and later).

Note 1: No server re-start is required for uninstall; however the uninstaller will perform the re-start of the Microsoft Exchange Transport, Web and Health services automatically.

Note 2: If during uninstall you experience repeated prompts “XWALLFilter is still loaded ...” and have closed all MMC consoles and monitoring applications, please temporarily stop the "Windows Management Instrumentation" service. If these steps fail to solve this problem, go to, click on SUPPORT and we will be glad to help.

How to Upgrade XWALLFilter

Follow the "Installation Part-1" instructions for this new release. You may skip the “Installation Part-2 and “Installation Part-3” if you have previously licensed XWALLFilter and configured XWall.



1.   Examine the application event log on the Exchange server on which XWALLFilter is installed, filtering for entries with Source = XWALLFilter to confirm the product has been installed and is running properly. A properly licensed installation will show an event = 15, “XWALLFilter has been enabled” since the last time the Microsoft Exchange Transport service was started. If this event is not present, you may force a refresh of the XWALLFilter license by re-starting XWall.

2.   Verify the mailbox specific Exchange 2013 "Automatically Filter Junk E-mail" option has been enabled by logging into the mailbox using Outlook Web App (OWA), then select OPTIONS->Block or Allow, and verify the checkbox "Automatically filter junk e-mail” is checked. Note that this option is enabled automatically if this mailbox user is using Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013 in cached mode. If your users are not using Outlook 2003/2007/2010/2013 in cached mode, or are using another email client (or an older version of Outlook), you have two options: a) Enable this option manually in OWA on each affected mailbox as described above or b) Run a script to enable this option on some or all of your mailboxes at once. For option B, please download the file "" by following the link in your product registration email. If you have not yet registered XWALLFilter, please go to

3.   Verify you have re-started the Exchange Information Store if you were requested to do so by the XWALLFilter installer. You can verify if this is needed by reviewing the XWALLFilter installation log available in C:\Program Files\XWALLFilter\XWALLFilter.log.

4.   Verify that XWall is delivering email to the Exchange Server that XWALLFilter is installed on.

5.   Verify that XWall is delivering the email to the Exchange Server that XWALLFilter is installed on anonymously and not through an authenticated logon. XWALLFilter assumes email delivered through an authenticated logon is trusted and is never treated as SPAM.

6.    Verify that a VALID email address is entered under the field “LICENSE E-MAIL” in the XWall Admin utility under Help->Licenses->XWALLFilter. The e-mail address entered must be valid e-mail address for the Exchange Server on which XWALLFilter is running. NOTE: This step is NOT required for volume licensed customers running XWALLFilter ISP/Multi-Server Edition.

7.    Make sure the IP addresses of your XWall server(s) are made known to Exchange using the Exchange PowerShell command Set-TransportConfig –InternalSMTPServers <IP List>. Example: If XWall is running on a server with IP address  Set-TransportConfig –InternalSMTPServers You may check the current configured IP addresses for XWall with the command: Get-TransportConfig | FL InternalSMTPServers.

8.    If the Exchange Edge Server Anti-Spam filters may have been installed (List with the Exchange PowerShell command Get-TransportAgent), make sure filters “Sender ID Agent”, “Sender Filter Agent”, “Recipient Filter Agent” and “Protocol Analysis Agent” are disabled by using the Exchange PowerShell command Disable-TransportAgent <filter name>. There is no reason to enable these filters since XWall is performing filtering and having these filters enabled can interfere with communications between XWall and the Exchange server. The Content Filter Agent may be left enabled if desired without risk of interference.

9.   Verify that the Exchange server on which XWALLFilter is installed has the Mailbox role installed.

10. Create a brand new user and associated Exchange mailbox. Logon to the new mailbox using Outlook Web App (OWA), then select SETTINGS (Gear Icon)->OPTIONS->Block or Allow, and confirm "Automatically filter junk email” is selected. Send email to this new mailbox from an external email account which is not on your XWall whitelist with a SUBJECT line that is listed in XWall under Options->Blocking->Subject as being set to “Mark subject and Move to Junk E-Mail folder”. Confirm that the email is routed to the Junk E-Mail folder properly. If XWALLFilter works fine on this new mailbox but not on some existing mailboxes, you may have rule corruption caused by a migration or import of those mailboxes from PST files. Perform Microsoft knowledgebase article ID 924297 on an existing mailbox that is broken to confirm if you have this Exchange problem. After performing this knowledgebase article, toggle the "Automatically filter junk email” option in Outlook Web App (OWA) OFF and then ON again before testing with an external email account.

11. If these steps fail to solve your problem. Please go to, click on SUPPORT and we will be glad to help.


Change Log

·         Version 5.1.1178.973:

Exchange 2013 CU22 support. Critical updates to OpenSSL. New cryptographic signing keys. This release supports and has been tested with: 1) XWall version 3.53+. 2) Third party Exchange 2013 native AntiVirus and third party add-on solutions released through January 2019. 3) Exchange 2013 CU1->CU22 under Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2.

Feedback and Support

Please visit our SUPPORT section at: or email If writing us about a problem, please include any relevant XWALLFilter event log entries from the application event log and the XWALLFilter installation log available in C:\Program Files\XWALLFilter\XWALLFilter.log.